
“She sings as the moon sings, I am I — am I…”  William Butler Yeats

I am amazed that an inner view of an  image held in my mind’s eye can be translated with a little paint onto a blank white canvas.  Something I have created from the mysterious world of imagination and dreams, bringing it forth as a gift to the ordinary world.  I think I have finally grasped the concept  that art is not the final outcome of a finished painting, but it is the process of art that is the art.

I paint in my own style, which I think of as intuitive/abstract/realism.  I don’t think I have the skill or talent to paint completely realistically, but mostly I just don’t see the subject of a painting in realistic style.  There are expressions in the human face that translate to my mind in an abstract/intuitive way, and that is the feeling I strive to portray.  I love painting the human face in all its many disguises.

I am a self-taught artist, but what does that really mean?  Aren’t all visual artist’s self-taught?  It takes a long time to find our voices in all things.  I did not go to art school when I was young, and now I don’t have much desire to go, I won’t say it is too late, but really that is the simple truth.  I have grown past art school and prefer now to find my own path, and I am happy with this journey.   My only regret is that I waited such a long time to hear my own voice and that I spent many years not doing what I really wanted.  So I study daily in my own way, learning as I go, and in my work there is a singing that maybe only I can hear, and it is enough!

17 responses »

  1. Hello…I just popped over here from Lynne Hoppe’s page and I have to tell you I think you work is marvelous. Your statement is so true to itself/you. Very well said. I also knew that this would be a place I’d visit often and follow because I think WBYeats is an complete artist with language and words, Song of the Wandering Anegus is my best liked of his poems, in fact I am working on a stitched piece based on that text. Thank you so much I will be visiting again.

  2. I think it’s a good thing that you are self taught. Your art is intuitive and unique, a style of your own, not influenced by others. True expressive art. What a gift!

  3. I love your paintings. You capture somethig mysterious in every face. I love to draw and paint and I feel thatl I have something to say, but have not yet found the connection from my inner voice to a canvas. I am very frustrated most times, so when I see the work of an artist such as yourself I find a small tingle of hope.

  4. Thank you, Mary. It is a long search sometimes. I spent many years painting in my head, thinking about what I hoped to say, and then only a handful of years ago, taking that big leap across the unknown and trying in real time to create what I had only dreamed about. So keep searching, and trying on different voices, see how each one fits.

  5. Good morning, I linked here from Rick’s blog. I love what you say about the process of art. My career was in special education and I am a self-taught poet. Best wishes, Ellen

  6. Thank you Rosemary! I’ve certainly read it before – but today it means more than it did when I wrote it! So thank you!

  7. This certainly resonates with me. And as I see, some others. I have a fine art degree, but ‘finding my voice’ is an ongoing process, 25 years later! I’m going to be making some paste paper. Thanks for the recipe! Ann

  8. I am adding links to phrases and allusions in a flash experimental prose post that will soon be on my blog. I’ve linked the phrase “mermaid’s hands” to your blog post, The Mermaid’s Hands, with its lovely pictures. The post is still in draft, but will probably be up by the weekend (11-12 May 2013). Short link: http://wp.me/p1A15o-fZ


  9. Thank you Michael, That’s a great idea! I’m curious to see how it turns out!

  10. It’s online now, with the links. I didn’t illustrate this one yet…maybe will add next week. Others in the series have digital art.

  11. Hi, sorry to contact you like this but I am doing a history play and would like to use your picture of the moon over the house. Would that be alright with you?

    Kind regards


  12. You are the first artist I have come across online to whom I have written anything. I love your work and I am encouraged and inspired by your words about being self-taught, and coming finally to something you love to do.

  13. Thank you, Claire. I appreciate your lovely words! I plan to begin posting more frequently again, so please come back and check me out!

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