January Light


2015 PaintingsJanuary light  in Portland is often filtered and without shadows, gray and flat.  I try to get through this long  month as best I can!  Sometimes a surprise will happen and we get nearly brilliant sunlight for a few hours – a true gift!  Today was such a day!  Bright skies, stark January light, an infusion of hopefulness! So I pulled out some paintings I’ve been working on but haven’t finished.

I know its been a long while since I’ve posted anything – I have no excuse other than … I don’t know…. just haven’t been doing much and feeling very guilty for it.  Making many half attempts, and not finishing much of anything.   Maybe tomorrow will be a bright day too!




6 responses »

  1. Hi Olivia: Soo good to hear from you again – I’ve missed your beautiful art but it is soo worth waiting for : ) your post with your current pieces, is wonderful (the one with the house is fabulous even if you say it’s unfinished). Thank you as always for sharing your incredible art. We can only give what we have to give and even if it’s just a little itsy bit – it is enough – in all things and in all circumstances be joyous and give thanks : )
    Blessings, Sandra in AZ : )

  2. So very lovely to see you posting again, Olivia! You say these are unfinished, and maybe for you they are, but each one is still hauntingly beautiful and definitely looks complete to me. It is such a joy to see these beautiful works! The all-blue one is so serene, I could look at it for hours, and I especially like the tree/house one. Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Hi Judee, Soo nice to see you again. Thank you for your nice comments. I like that “all-blue” one too!

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