Monthly Archives: April 2016

Winter’s Over and Now May Rest!


Winter's Rest“Winter’s Rest” acrylic,oil pastel, graphite on Strathmore mixed media journal page.

I don’t really like the paper used in this so called “mixed media” journal, but I feel I should use it up rather than waste it!  It seems to be a bristol board type paper, very smooth and kind of slick.  I used white gesso as a first coat then added some color then I went over the color with black gesso blotting it off to create more texture.  Then I sketched in the face and painted with acrylic and oil pastel over the acrylic.

I am happy that winter has mostly ended for Portland.  Flowers are beginning to bloom, the trees are leafed and many are in bloom!  I love the flowers!

Recycled Teabag Art


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 Each portrait is painted on a 2.5″ x 2.5″ recycled teabag.  Watercolor, Inktense pencils, Acrylics, graphite.  In the process, I forgot I was brewing some new teabags  and nearly started a kitchen disaster!  The teabags became one with the pan, and the pan was lost!